
By 2050 10-15% of energy use will need hydrogen

The harder to abate sectors like transport and heavy industry present a huge opportunity for hydrogen, estimated to reach 10-15% of global energy use by 2050. However, to meet ESG reporting requirements, it is necessary to trace and validate all inputs and emissions. This opportunity is equivalent to today's global gas industry.

Hydrogen Certification Standards in Flux: Lack of Global Uniformity Creates Uncertainty for Buyers
Lack of Global Standards for Hydrogen Certification Creates Uncertainty: With over 28 different jurisdictions developing their own hydrogen certification schemes, there is no agreed-upon global standard for guaranteeing the carbon intensity of the hydrogen purchased. This lack of uniformity poses a significant challenge for the transition to a low-carbon economy, creating uncertainty for buyers seeking to make informed choices about the environmental impact of their purchases.
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In Australia alone there are many different, fragmented approaches! 
Australia has more than 27 certifiers and auditors providing a "Guarantee of Origin" for hydrogen with slightly different methodologies, leading to confusion and fragmentation in the market.
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Different H2 has different costs and carbon intensity creating an opportunity

Hydrogen is produced in various ways, with each variant having a different cost and carbon intensity. This creates an opportunity for calibration and monitoring to verify the carbon intensity and enable the levying of premiums for cleaner hydrogen.

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